Holtsmere End Infant and Nursery School

  1. News


29 March 2022 (by admin)

Good morning, 

I would just like to update you with the current situation in school. 

We  have a few children in Year 1 with Chicken Pox, therefore if you notice that your child has some new 'spots' please speak with/see your GP. 

We currently have a couple of confirmed cases of COVID in Reception and Year 1. We politely ask that if your child has any COVID symptoms that you test them using a lateral flow test. 

Reading books

We are starting a new phonics scheme after Easter and are busy preparing our new resources. Please return any reading books which you have at home by TOMORROW. We will try to ensure that your child takes at least one reading book home for over the Easter period. 

We will be in touch after the Easter break about the new scheme and what it will mean for children in school and how you can help them at home. 


Mrs O'Connell Headteacher