Beech Class - Mrs Haris
Pine Class - Miss Mellersh
Welcome to Year 2 2024-25 PDF.pdf
Year 2 Maths Information Meeting PDF.pdf
Little Wandle parents-presentation Year 2 2024 PDF.pdf
Autumn 1 2024 Medium Term Plan
Beech Class Photo September 2024
Pine Class Photo September 2024
Spring Term 2024
Spring Term 2, Week 2 - W/c 03.03.25
In Fitness (PE) this week, we explored skipping with a rope. We learnt that the rope must swipe the floor as we turn it and that we should watch the rope to time our jumps carefully.
In History, we wrote a newspaper report all about Rosa Parks on the Chromebooks! We also completed a quiz all about her.
Our World Book Day book was ‘Mighty Maurice’, all about a moose who did not fit in because of his huge ‘moose-tache’. The children loved listening to the book be read by the author herself, Emily Lloyd-Gale! We got up to lots in the day, including making moose antlers, drawing on moustaches and creating our own songs/raps/stories inspired by the book.
Spring Term 2, Week 1 - W/c 24.02.25
This week, we began our history topic, learning about ‘People Who Inspire Us’. We learnt about the life of Rosa Parks and how her famous act of defiance brought change for black people. The children experienced their own mini segregation activity which developed great empathy for our learning. We even recreated the bus incident in the minibus!
In PE, we learned to build our strength and flexibility through Yoga.
Spring Term 1, Week 6 - W/c 10.02.25
This week, we have been busy learning to tell the time! In DT we made Brazilian inspired vegetarian wraps! They tasted great! In Geography, we named and located the oceans of the world. In PE, we combined travelling actions, jumps, rolls and balances into a sequence to end our unit. |
Spring Term 1, Week 5 - W/c 03.02.25
In PSHE, we designed and created birds for our ‘garden of dreams’. The goal was to work well as a team to create a successful end result.
In PE, we practise straight, forward and barrel rolls. We combined these in a sequence with different ways of travelling.
In DT, we tasted combinations of foods and then designed a wrap to prepare next week!
Spring Term 1, Week 4 - W/c 27.01.25
We have begun our cooking and nutrition unit in Design and Technology. The children practised bridge and claw grips for cutting fruit and vegetables. They did an excellent job and know all about kitchen safety! In maths, we have used the written method to help with addition and subtraction. We have learnt how to regroup tens for ones for subtraction and how to regroup ones for tens for addition. |
Spring Term 1, Week 3 - W/c 20.01.25
In PE, we completed a sequence of activities which engaged our muscles and held 5 second balances at the end.
Spring Term 1, Week 2 - W/c 13.01.25
This week, we discovered a lot about winter in our seasonal change day. It was the first time that lots of us saw the pond frozen!
In computing, we used a spreadsheet to create a pictogram about types of homes our classmates live in.
In geography, we described localities in Brazil using geographical vocabulary.
In art, we added mod rock to our pipe cleaner sculptures to make them more 3D!
Spring Term 1, Week 1 - W/c 06.01.25
This week, we have been ‘handling data’ in Maths. We sorted shapes using a Carroll Diagram, created tally charts of how children came to school and then showed this on a block graph. In Geography, we used an Atlas and clues to uncover the country we will be learning about this half term. |
Autumn Term 2024
Autumn Term 2, Week 6 - W/c 09.12.24
This week, we learnt all about Mae Jemison who was the first African American woman in space! We explored artefacts and photos to figure out who she is and why she is important. In maths, we have been exploring money and different combinations of coins to make the same amounts. This linked really nicely with computing where we created our own shop, gave each item a value and then added the values of items using coins. In art, we created pop art images of Neil Armstrong in the style of Andy Warhol. We used bright, bold colours. |
Autumn Term 2, Week 5 - W/c 02.12.24
Our focus artist for Art Week was Vincent Van Gogh. The children enjoyed learning about him and his technique. They recreated ‘Starry Night Over the Rhone’ while thinking carefully about their brush strokes.
In maths, we had fun with part whole models while trying to solve missing number calculations.
In computing, we inputted images on spreadsheets and used the drag tool to move the contents of cells.
Autumn Term 2, Week 4 - W/c 25.11.24
In Computing this week, we were introduced to spreadsheets! We inputted numbers, changed the colours of the cells and used them to complete calculations! We were so amazed at how brilliant computers are.
In Art, we created pop art in the style of Andy Warhol, using his famous ‘can of soup’. We used bold and bright colours and even mixed colours to create a new colour!
Autumn Term 2, Week 3 - W/c 18.11.24
In Science this week we have been testing different materials to see if they can: stretch, twist, bend or squash. We found that some forms of metal can twist and bend! In Maths, we have been learning how to use Think 10 to add two digit numbers together. We have been working so hard and our teachers are very proud of our progress.
Autumn Term 2, Week 2 - W/c 11.11.24
In Art this week, we used white paint as our base colour and mixed in black to gradually create different shades of the white.
In History, we recalled facts about Neil Armstrong and put a space helmet on to pretend we were him.
In Computing, we learnt about online safety when sending emails. We sent our own emails to Twanda!
In music, we created an orchestra performance to music from the Romantic Period. We learned the meanings of piano and forte!
Autumn Term 2, Week 1 - W/c 04.11.24
What a brilliant first week back! We started off the week with Seasonal Change Day where we explored lots about Autumn. We had our ‘Sparkly Tuesday’ and were so brave with the sparklers!
In Maths, we used addition as an efficient way to solve subtraction calculations.
In Art, we used white paint to create a gradient of tints.
In History, we began our learning on The Space Race and looked at photo artefacts to find out about a famous person- Neil Armstrong.
Autumn Term 1, Week 8 - W/c 21.10.24
This week in Geography, we labelled features of a geographical location and discussed the weather patterns in the UK. Our UK Celebration Day was great fun! The children enjoyed making shortbread, weaving a tartan design, dancing to Irish music, eating a typical seaside lunch of fish and chips and having a Welsh tea party.
We also had a Bollywood dancing workshop which was great fun!
In English, we performed the brilliant poems we have been writing, adding expression and actions.
In Maths, we used 10 as a foundation number to help with addition. We looked at ways of reordering numbers to make 10 first, then add some more. Mrs Haris and Miss Mellersh love the number 10 in maths!
Autumn Term 1, Week 7 - W/c 14.10.24
It has been a busy week in Year 2. We (mostly!) finished making our buses and adding the axles and wheels. In maths, we ordered and compares lengths using the language of ‘centimetres’. In science, we explored the plants in different habitats and were able to explain why they were suited to those habitats. In Geography, we learnt about the seas of the UK and labelled them on a map of the UK. We drew key landmarks and symbols of the countries and labelled their capital cities. |
Autumn Term 1, Week 6 - W/c 07.10.24
This week, we began making our buses in DT. We carefully used a saw to cut dowel to the length we needed to make our axles. We attached the wheels and tested them. In maths, we looked at ordering different representations of number. We discovered that putting all the numbers into one form (base 10, numerals etc.) made it easier to see and compare. |
Autumn Term 2, Week 5 - W/c 30.09.24
This week in English, we planned a ghost/angel profile and wrote instructions on how to make friends with one. The children used brilliant imperative verbs and conjunctions to extend their sentences.
In DT, we painted our ‘buses’ ready to add the axles and wheels on over the next few weeks. Thank you for sending in the empty cereal boxes!
In Science, we observed what had happened to our bean seeds after 2 weeks. We were pleasantly surprised! This week, we planted cress seeds and put half on the windowsill and half in the dark cupboard to observe what will happen to them.
Autumn Term 1, Week 4 - W/c 23.09.24
We have had a brilliant week of learning in Year 2. The children have been magnificent mathematicians while working with money and making different representations of the same number.
In science, we ordered the life cycle of a bean and recorded our 2-3 day and 1 week observations of the bean seeds we planted. Great news- they have germinated and are starting to grow their roots and stems!
Autumn Term 1, Week 3 - W/c 16.09.24
A fantastic week in Year 2 saw magnificent mathematicians and super scientists. We compared numbers using the inequality symbols (< ,> & =) and practise regrouping numbers.
In science last week, we put three healthy roses in water, cola or washing up liquid to observe which would stay healthy the longest. See our photo for the update this week! In science this week, we learned about the life cycle of a bean seed and then planted our very own to observe over the next few weeks.
In Geography, we learned about Scotland and got to try some scrumptious Scottish shortbread!
Autumn Term 1, Week 2 - W/c 09.09.24
The children have had a very productive first 2 weeks of settling into school and Year 2 routines. This week, we have explored place value in Maths, discussed what a full sentence should contain and have started our learning on ‘Our United Kingdom’. We have explored landmarks in England and in Art, have began cutting and shaping materials to create a landmark collage.
Autumn Term 1, Week 1 - W/c 02.09.24
It has been great to welcome the children to Beech and Pine classes this week. They have settled in well and we are looking forward to the year ahead!