Our School Rules
The children have been consulted and have generated our new school rules which are:
We are polite
We are kind to ourselves and each other
We listen
We respect ourselves, others and school property
Happy learners. Aiming high.
Our Vision and Aims
Our aim is to provide a rich and stimulating learning environment where diversity is celebrated and where each and every child is able to:
Feel valued, nurtured and cared for
Feel safe, happy and inspired by a creative and challenging curriculum
Develop a life-long love of learning
Receive quality teaching from adults who have high expectations and aspirations for all children, encouraging them to be the very best they can be
Take risks in their learning and recognise their own key learning qualities of curiosity, imagination, perseverance, resilience and team-work
Celebrate achievements and learn from their mistakes
Develop a respectful awareness of the environment, the wider world and its many cultures
Develop independence and feel prepared to take the next step in their learning journey
Above all we want our children to have fun and enjoy learning and their parents to feel well informed, communicated with and valued.