Our school strongly believes that the wearing of school uniform because it is practical, hard wearing and helps promote a sense of belonging and a pride in the school. School colours are royal, light blue and grey. Clothing in these colours is available from supermarkets, department stores and online. Sweatshirts, polo shirts and fleece jackets embroidered with the school badge must be ordered through our uniform suppliers Stevensons as well as a plain, royal blue shower proof fleece jacket and shoe bags. Book bags are available to purchase from the School office. We no longer expect children to wear clothing with the school logo on but uniform MUST be in school colours. Please click on the link below to find our School Uniform policy
Preloved Uniform At Holtsmere we appreciate that purchasing new uniform can be extremely costly, for this reason we have set up a 'Pre-loved' uniform shop. The shop is open every Thursday morning and by arrangement at other times. We are proud to be able to offer this service and we sell items for £1 (fleeces with logo £5). We also sell childrens coats, shoes and trainers.
P.E.Each child will be provided with a T-shirt in their house colour, pair of shorts and a draw string bag, also in their house colour. This coloured PE kit will enable the children to feel part of their 'house' and the school whilst also looking smart when representing the school at external events and Sports Day. Please provide tracksuit bottoms and a jumper to enable them to participate in outdoor PE lessons comfortably. Otherwise they will wear their school PE kit. Please supply a pair of trainers for them to use in PE which need to be labelled with your child's initials. All PE kits are to remain in school and will be sent home each half term to be washed. Nursery UniformThere is no compulsory uniform in the Nursery. If you wish your child to wear uniform it must be ordered through Stevensons as per School uniform paragraph above. We encourage children to dress themselves as this boosts their confidence, so please choose clothes for them to wear in Nursery which are easy to put on, fasten and take off.
Book BagsEach child, from Reception to Year 2 will take home a book and reading record to read at home. They will occasionally take home hard copies of letters and work they wish to share with you. We request that you purchase a book bag in Arbor. Large rucksacks are discouraged as they are not required and take up valuable space in our cloakrooms.BelongingsALL school and Nursery clothing should be clearly marked with your child's name to avoid confusion and loss. Sew-in tapes are preferable to ink marking, which soon washes off. We encourage care of belongings, but cannot accept responsibility for their loss or damage. For Health and Safety reasons we discourage the wearing of jewellery at school. For children who have pierced ears we ask children to wear plain studs, not hoops, as these will have to be removed for PE. Please see our uniform policy for further guidance. |