Parent Partnerships:
Our strong relationships with parents support the children to achieve and make the best progress they can.
Teachers are always willing to discuss ways to improve your child's progress and emotional well being.
Children have work they can do with parents at home. Staff are always happy to suggest other ideas.
Homework is carefully differentiated according to children's needs and reflects what is taught that week or is linked to the learning.
Parent Useful Information:-
Parent Forum:
A parent from each Year group volunteers to become the class representative for the year. These volunteers act as the 'voice' of the year group parents at termly meetings with Mrs O'Connell (Headteacher), bringing parent's suggestions and questions to us and feeding back information.
Representatives have been requested for each year group and will be announced soon.
The Holtsmere Community Cupboard:
We are very proud to have opened our Holtsmere Community Cupboard.
All members of our Holtsmere community are welcome to take up to 6 items daily from the cupboard.
The cupboard is open each day from 8.30am to 3.30pm
Parent and Children's Wellbeing:
Supporting your child’s health and wellbeing
If your child:
Has difficulty coming into school
You are worried about their health, behaviour, progress
They have friendship issues
Your child is a young carer
There are difficulties at home which may be having an impact on your child’s wellbeing
Then your child’s class teacher is the best person to speak to and if they are unable to help they will be able to sign post you to people in school or external agencies who can.
Our SENDCo Mrs Kathryn Lloyd may be able to refer your child to the following agencies:
- Speech and Language Team
- Health visitors
- Young carers
- Living Stable lives
- Links Family Services
If you have spoken to your child’s teacher and you feel that the matter has not been dealt with appropriately then you can speak with Mrs O’Connell our Headteacher who is on the playground each morning or who can be contacted via the school office on 01442 211963 or via email
Wellbeing Support For Parents (310kb pdf)
Signposting Guide Colour (1,513kb pdf)
Parent Tip No 1 - Five Ways to Wellbeing (164kb pdf)
Five Ways to Wellbeing Poster (255kb)
Mindfulness Powerpoint (694kb pdf)
Calm Down Kit (274kb pdf)
Mindfulness Session Feedback (284kb pdf)
Wellbeing and advice
Guide for Parents – Keeping Children Safe.
Let’s Talk Pants
SAFE! A website to support young people (8-18) who have been victims of crime
Action for happiness
Just talk Herts
Healthy Young Minds
For information on a variety of mental health topics including anxiety
CEOP: Advice on staying safe when using a mobile phone, tablet or computer
CEOP: Support and safety information on how to keep your child safe
- Helping parents keep their children safe online
Safety advice including how to keep under 5s safe online
A guide to social networks your children may be using.
Free access to Digital Parenting, an online safety magazine to help with the “challenges of the digital age”
how to make sure a game is age-appropriate.
reviews – re: games played online.
Debt advice: