Nursery begins at 9am and ends at 12 noon (doors open at 8.50 for a 'soft start')
For children availing of 30 hours provision the day ends at 3pm (Parents will need to provide a packed lunch).
There is an optional breakfast club from 8.30am - 9am for a charge of £4. Breakfast will be provided.
We also offer extended Nursery hours for children in receipt of 15 hours provision. The session runs from 12-3 at an additional cost of £12. Sessions must be pre-booked and paid in advance. Please speak to Ms Marshall in the school office about booking a session.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
8.40 - 3.10
Learning commences as soon as the children enter their classroom, with doors, gates and registers closing at 9am.
If you are late you will need to enter the school by the main entrance and provide a reason to the office staff for your child’s lateness.
It is very important that children arrive at school promptly as routine helps the children feel settled and happy within school.
Please note that lunch registers are submitted to the kitchen at 9.30. If your child is later than this you may be required to provide a packed lunch for them.
If you have an appointment and know that you will be late please call the office, beforehand, to let them know and to choose a lunch for your child.
Children eat lunch between 12.15 and 1.15pm.
Picking up your child
Gates to the playground will open at 2.55 and close at 3.20.
Please arrive promptly to pick up your child. If you are delayed please call the school office so that we can let your child know and reassure them that you are on your way.
Similarly, if you have asked a friend or family member to pick up your child, you must let us know in advance, we have a password system in place and children will not be released without the person picking up knowing the password/a phone call with you.