Hazel Class - Miss Turner
Oak Class - Mrs Rios and Mrs Serrano-Shaw
Hazel Class
Week 1, Spring Term 1 - W/c 06.01.25
Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Christmas break! In English this week, we began looking at different recipes for an upcoming Gruffalo party. We followed a recipe called 'Terrible Tusks'. The children got to try some new fruit!
In Music with Mrs Simpson from Herts Music, we began learning how to play the ukulele. We learnt a song to help us remember all the parts of the instrument.
In Geography we began our new topic 'Fire and Ice'. The children learnt the names of the 7 continents of the world and tried to find them on a globe or in an atlas.
Week 6, Autumn Term 2 - W/c 09.12.24
Week 4, Autumn Term 2 - W/c 25.11.24
Week 3, Autumn Term 2 - W/c 18.11.24
Week 2, Autumn Term 2 - W/c 11.11.24
Week 1, Autumn Term 2 - W/c 04.11.24
It has been lovely welcoming all of the children back after the half term. This week we had our first seasonal change day of the year. The children had a great time observing all the things Autumn has to offer... especially the endless leaves that have fallen off the trees! We also began our new topic 'Toy Story'. The children brought in their favourite toys from home and we looked at what materials they were made from and why they liked playing with them.
Week 7, Autumn Term 1 - W/c 14.10.24
In History this week we learnt that before our school was built it used to be a fireworks factory. It was called Brocks Fireworks and it was once the largest fireworks factory in the world! The children transformed our small world area into a fireworks factory! In our workshop area, the children designed and made fireworks. We continued to look at collage in art and practiced making collages using different textiles. In our outdoor area, the children role played Guy Fawkes and the plotters and made 'gunpowder' to blow up the Houses of Parliament.
Week 6, Autumn Term 1 - W/c 07.10.24
This week we began learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. The children then wanted to make Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament to retell the plot. They also made the barrels of gunpowder! In Geography, we made maps of our local area Woodhall Farm with symbols. On Wednesday, we went to the theatre to see 'The Smartest Giant in Town'. The children had a great time and were great representatives of our school!
Week 5, Autumn Term 1 - W/c 30.09.24
We have had another busy week of learning this week. In Art, we have practiced cutting different materials to make a collage. The children made collages of gardens, puffins, under the sea. In Science, we have continued to practice naming and identifying wild and garden plants. The children made these out of lego or paper and then labelled them. On Friday, we were very excited to have spotted a frog in our outdoor area! The children named him Fred and we researched some facts about frogs together.
Week 4, Autumn Term 1 - W/c 23.09.24
This week as part of our challenges we have been practicing our flange joins in DT. We have used our flange joins to turn them into cameras and even flower pots! In Geography, we have been locating different places of Woodhall farm on a map. In Science, we have been identifying and naming wild and garden plants.
Week 3, Autumn Term 1 - W/c 16.09.24
We have had another busy week in Year 1. This week we practiced planting linked to our story Jasper’s Beanstalk. We planted lots of different bulbs and seeds. We even followed instructions for ‘How to make cress heads’. We can’t wait to watch them grow! Next week we will be writing our own instructions for ‘How to plant a bulb’.
Week 2, Autumn Term 1 - W/c: 09.09.24
This week in English we have been reading the book Jasper's Beanstalk. We practiced labelling different gardening equipment. In Maths, we use positional language to describe positions of different objects. We had our first music lesson with Mrs Wilkinson from Herts Music on Wednesday. We loved singing and playing on the drums!
Week 1, Autumn Term 1 - W/c: 02.09.24
Welcome back! This week we have been exploring our new classrooms. The children have settled in very well and we are looking forward to the upcoming year.
Oak Class
Week 1, Spring 2 - W/c 24.02.25
A really lovely start to Spring 1!
Year 1 started the week with their Titanic day. They boarded the ship an experienced what it was like to be upper and lower class. They have found out lots of information about the Titanic and have been comparing old and new ships. Year 1 had the opportunity to create their own ships using junk modelling, painting and collages, as well as building using Lego.
The children have been building on their knowledge of counting using the ‘Think 10’ method in maths. In English, they have been looking at the story ‘Ruby’s Worry’ and writing their own sentences focusing on the pronoun I.
Week 6, Spring 1 - W/c 10.02.25
We have had a very busy week! The children have been busy making their own books based on the story ‘Stanley’s Stick’. They have been coming up with ideas of what their own stick could be. They finished their learning by sharing their stories with one another.
The children have been learning how to add numbers using the ‘Think Ten’ method- a strategy that speeds adding up. It has been lovely to see their understanding grow with this concept. Well done Oak!
Week 4, Spring 1 - W/c 27.01.25
The children ended last week with their very own Gruffalo party! They enjoyed making a yummy treat in the style of a Gruffalo and creating masks of the different creatures from the story.
This week children have been writing sentences using the conjunction and. The story we have been working on this week is ‘Stanley’s Stick’. The children have been using their own imagination and creating their own sticks for adventures. In art, the children have had a go at weaving different types of paper. They found the tissue paper the most difficult!
Week 2, Spring 1 - W/c 13.01.25
Year 1 have done lots of learning this week and finished the week of with Seasonal Change Day. The children have continued to build on their knowledge of 3D shapes and exploring their properties. In English, children have been using the conjunction ‘and’ to write simple instructions for their Gruffalo party. In Geography, children have been learning about the equator and finding the North and South Pole on a globe.
Seasonal Change day was full of wonderful wintery activities for the children to enjoy. We made water gauges, stickmen, created some paintings of our class tree, creative writing and some nature art on the playground. We even explored our pond but unfortunately didn’t get to find much! The children finished the day by watching Stick Man and drank a nice, warm mug of hot chocolate!
Week 1, Spring Term 1 - W/c 06.01.25
A great start to our first week back after the Christmas break. The children have had a fantastic week of learning. We have been looking at instructions in English and focusing on the book the Gruffalo. In PE, we are continuing gymnastics and have been working on different jumps and how to land safely. In maths, we are identifying 3D shapes and their properties. In art, children are looking at Ghanaian Kente cloths and have tried weaving paper to create their own.
Week 6, Autumn Term 2 - W/c 09.12.24
This week the children have been working hard on creating more complex sentences and joining clauses together using the conjunction ‘and’. They have really impressed Mrs Shaw in their final PE session of this term. This half term children have been working on their gymnastic skills and we finished by using the apparatus and putting our stretches and poses into practice.
Deco day was a huge success and the children worked so well creating some beautiful Christmas crafts. Thank you to those adults who helped out – it is appreciated! The children finished off their busy day with a film and some popcorn.
Week 5, Autumn Term 2 - W/c 02.12.24
It has been a very fun week! This week we have had art week and our artist focus was Vincent Van Gogh. We have been learning some fun facts about him and recreated a picture of his famous painting ‘Sunflowers’. In maths, we have been looking at adding and subtracting 1 from numbers 11 to 19. We have continued to look at ‘Princess and the pea’ in English and writing simple sentences using adjectives.
Week 4, Autumn Term 2 - W/c 25.11.24
Week 2, Autumn Term 2 - W/c 11.11.24
Week 1, Autumn Term 2 - W/c 04.11.24
It has been a very busy start to the second half of Autumn term! The children have enjoyed our seasonal change day and had fun exploring outside and used the sparklers safely. In English, we have begun looking at fairy tales and discussing our favourites. Our story focus has been ‘The Three Billy Goat Gruff’ and we have had fun retelling the story in our story-telling area of our classroom. We have also been keen scientists investigating different materials and guessing what they could be in our ‘feely bags’. The children have been making brilliant use of the scientific vocabulary in their explanations.
Week 8, Autumn Term 1 - W/c 21.10.24
This week the children have been writing some beautiful poetry using adjectives to describe things in nature. All the children came up with some wonderful adjectives and were able to write them in their books. In maths, the children have looking at subtraction using tens frames. They have really enjoyed playing ‘Snakes and Ladders’ during their discovery learning too.
In discovery, the children have enjoyed creating firework pictures, sorting fruits and vegetables and writing lists for an imaginary bonfire night. They have had such a busy half term!
Week 6, Autumn Term 1 - W/c 07.10.24
Oak class have started learning about Guy Fawkes in History focusing on the Gun Powder Plot plan this week. Children have had fun using the resources to retell the story.
In English, children have been working on the story ‘Puffin Peter’. They have made wanted posters for Paul and drew story maps to show their understanding of the story.
Week 5, Autumn Term 1 - W/c 30.09.24
Week 4, Autumn Term 1 - W/c 23.09.24
Week 3, Autumn Term 1 - W/c 16.09.24
Oak have been enjoying creating their own collages in the style of Henri Matisse. In PSHE, we have been looking at the rights and responsibilities of a learner and coming up with what this should look like in our classroom.
Week 2, Autumn Term 1 - W/c: 09.09.24
This week in English we have been reading the book Jasper's Beanstalk. We practiced labelling different gardening equipment. In Maths, we use positional language to describe positions of different objects. We had our first music lesson with Mrs Wilkinson from Herts Music on Wednesday. We loved singing and playing on the drums!
Week 1, Autumn Term 1 - W/c: 02.09.24
Welcome back! This week we have been exploring our new classrooms. The children have settled in very well and we are looking forward to the upcoming year.